Release Notes
The addition of Enterprise, Product and Local License Types
Lucenia 0.3.0 adds Developer Licenses and Spatial Reprojection Support
New Features
- Multi-cloud repository support installed by default for seamless backup, snapshot, and restore functionality across cloud providers
- Spatial reprojection processor and improved search/ingest pipeline processing with 5-10% performance boost in certain use cases
- Simplified migrations from OpenSearch with improved compatibility
- Developer License support for local development and testing
- Updated search request and response processors for coordinate transformations
Lucenia 0.2.1 is now available on the AWS Marketplace
New Features
- AWS marketplace integration with license verification improvements - added agreement ID verification against AWS and implemented different license types based on running plugins
- Support for both “bring your own license” and yearly agreement options in the AWS marketplace
- Released with support for multiple deployment options including Docker containers and Helm charts
Lucenia 0.2.0 upgrades to Lucene 10 and added to AWS Marketplace
- Upgrade to Lucene 10
- Update to min JDK 21
- Lucenia License checker updates
New Features
- AWS Annual Purchase Offering
- Circle Ingest Processor w/ Circle Queries
- Ellipse Ingest Processor w/ Ellipse Queries’
Lucenia 0.1.1 bug fixes for Lucenia License Manager
- Fixes for the Lucenia license
- License checks now include checking a cluster ID against a license to ensure a license is used for 1 cluster
- License checks confirm whether a license is active, and shutdown nodes tied to an expired license
Lucenia 0.1.0 is the first GA release of Lucenia. It includes several new features designed to help you save on your cloud search deployments while providing a fully supported on-prem option that is 17% faster than OpenSearch.
New Features
- Fips 140-2/3 Security compliance
- Role Based Access (RBAC) and Attribute Based Access (ABAC) Security Controls
- Dynamic Fields API (e.g., Runtime Fields)
- K8s Helm Chart Deployment Support
- Mixed Cluster Compatibility with OpenSearch and Elasticsearch for easy migration
- 17% performance boost over OpenSearch
- Native Zstd compression for stored fields
- Remote Backed Indexes with cloud storage
- Segment Replication and Time Series index optimizations