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PHP client


The Lucenia PHP client provides a safer and easier way to interact with your Lucenia cluster. Rather than using Lucenia from a browser and potentially exposing your data to the public, you can build an Lucenia client that takes care of sending requests to your cluster. The client contains a library of APIs that let you perform different operations on your cluster and return a standard response body.

This getting started guide illustrates how to connect to Lucenia, index documents, and run queries.


To add the client to your project, install it using composer:

composer require lucenia/lucenia-php

To install a specific major version of the client, run the following command:

composer require lucenia/lucenia-php:<version>

Then require the autload file from composer in your code:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Connecting to Lucenia

To connect to the default Lucenia host, create a client object with the address https://localhost:9200 if you are using the Security plugin:

$client = (new \Lucenia\ClientBuilder())
    ->setBasicAuthentication('admin', 'admin') // For testing only. Don't store credentials in code.
    ->setSSLVerification(false) // For testing only. Use certificate for validation

Connecting to Lucenia Service Hosted on AWS

The following example illustrates connecting to Lucenia hosted on AWS:

$client = (new \Lucenia\ClientBuilder())

    // Default credential provider.
    // Using a custom access key and secret
      'key' => 'awskeyid',
      'secret' => 'awssecretkey',

Creating an index

To create an Lucenia index with custom settings, use the following code:

$indexName = 'test-index-name';

// Create an index with non-default settings.
    'index' => $indexName,
    'body' => [
        'settings' => [
            'index' => [
                'number_of_shards' => 4

Indexing a document

You can index a document into Lucenia using the following code:

    'index' => $indexName,
    'id' => 1,
    'body' => [
        'title' => 'Moneyball',
        'director' => 'Bennett Miller',
        'year' => 2011

Searching for documents

The following code uses a multi_match query to search for “miller” in the title and director fields. It boosts the documents where “miller” appears in the title field:

        'index' => $indexName,
        'body' => [
            'size' => 5,
            'query' => [
                'multi_match' => [
                    'query' => 'miller',
                    'fields' => ['title^2', 'director']

Deleting a document

You can delete a document using the following code:

    'index' => $indexName,
    'id' => 1,

Deleting an index

You can delete an index using the following code:

    'index' => $indexName

Sample program

The following sample program creates a client, adds an index with non-default settings, inserts a document, searches for the document, deletes the document, and then deletes the index:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$client = (new \Lucenia\ClientBuilder())
    ->setBasicAuthentication('admin', 'admin') // For testing only. Don't store credentials in code.
    ->setSSLVerification(false) // For testing only. Use certificate for validation

$indexName = 'test-index-name';

// Print Lucenia version information on console.

// Create an index with non-default settings.
    'index' => $indexName,
    'body' => [
        'settings' => [
            'index' => [
                'number_of_shards' => 4

    'index' => $indexName,
    'id' => 1,
    'body' => [
        'title' => 'Moneyball',
        'director' => 'Bennett Miller',
        'year' => 2011

// Search for it
        'index' => $indexName,
        'body' => [
            'size' => 5,
            'query' => [
                'multi_match' => [
                    'query' => 'miller',
                    'fields' => ['title^2', 'director']

// Delete a single document
    'index' => $indexName,
    'id' => 1,

// Delete index
    'index' => $indexName
