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Remote Store Stats API

Introduced 0.1.0

Use the Remote Store Stats API to monitor shard-level remote-backed storage performance.

Metrics returned from this API only relate to indexes stored on remote-backed nodes. For an aggregated output on an index at the node or cluster level, use the Index Stats, Nodes Stats, or Cluster Stats API.

Path and HTTP methods

GET _remotestore/stats/<index_name>
GET _remotestore/stats/<index_name>/<shard_id>

Path parameters

The following table lists the available path parameters. All path parameters are optional.

Parameter Type Description
index_name String The index name or index pattern.
shard_id String The shard ID.

Remote store stats for an index

Use the following API to get remote store statistics for all index shards.

Example request

GET _remotestore/stats/<index_name>

Example response

    "_shards": {
        "total": 4,
        "successful": 4,
        "failed": 0
    "indices": {
        "remote-index": {
            "shards": {
                "0": [{
                        "routing": {
                            "state": "STARTED",
                            "primary": true,
                            "node": "q1VxWZnCTICrfRc2bRW3nw"
                        "segment": {
                            "download": {},
                            "upload": {
                                "local_refresh_timestamp_in_millis": 1694171634102,
                                "remote_refresh_timestamp_in_millis": 1694171634102,
                                "refresh_time_lag_in_millis": 0,
                                "refresh_lag": 0,
                                "bytes_lag": 0,
                                "backpressure_rejection_count": 0,
                                "consecutive_failure_count": 0,
                                "total_uploads": {
                                    "started": 5,
                                    "succeeded": 5,
                                    "failed": 0
                                "total_upload_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 15342,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 15342,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0
                                "remote_refresh_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "last_successful": 0,
                                    "moving_avg": 3068.4
                                "upload_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 99988.2
                                "remote_refresh_latency_in_millis": {
                                    "moving_avg": 44.0
                        "translog": {
                            "upload": {
                                "last_successful_upload_timestamp": 1694171633644,
                                "total_uploads": {
                                    "started": 6,
                                    "failed": 0,
                                    "succeeded": 6
                                "total_upload_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 1932,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 1932
                                "total_upload_time_in_millis": 21478,
                                "upload_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "moving_avg": 322.0
                                "upload_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 2073.8333333333335
                                "upload_time_in_millis": {
                                    "moving_avg": 3579.6666666666665
                            "download": {}
                        "routing": {
                            "state": "STARTED",
                            "primary": false,
                            "node": "EZuen5Y5Sv-eDCLwh9gv-Q"
                        "segment": {
                            "download": {
                                "last_sync_timestamp": 1694171634148,
                                "total_download_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 15112,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 15112,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0
                                "download_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "last_successful": 2910,
                                    "moving_avg": 1259.3333333333333
                                "download_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 382387.3333333333
                            "upload": {}
                        "translog": {
                            "upload": {},
                            "download": {}
                "1": [{
                        "routing": {
                            "state": "STARTED",
                            "primary": false,
                            "node": "q1VxWZnCTICrfRc2bRW3nw"
                        "segment": {
                            "download": {
                                "last_sync_timestamp": 1694171633181,
                                "total_download_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 18978,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 18978,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0
                                "download_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "last_successful": 325,
                                    "moving_avg": 1265.2
                                "download_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 456047.6666666667
                            "upload": {}
                        "translog": {
                            "upload": {},
                            "download": {}
                        "routing": {
                            "state": "STARTED",
                            "primary": true,
                            "node": "EZuen5Y5Sv-eDCLwh9gv-Q"
                        "segment": {
                            "download": {},
                            "upload": {
                                "local_refresh_timestamp_in_millis": 1694171633122,
                                "remote_refresh_timestamp_in_millis": 1694171633122,
                                "refresh_time_lag_in_millis": 0,
                                "refresh_lag": 0,
                                "bytes_lag": 0,
                                "backpressure_rejection_count": 0,
                                "consecutive_failure_count": 0,
                                "total_uploads": {
                                    "started": 6,
                                    "succeeded": 6,
                                    "failed": 0
                                "total_upload_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 19208,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 19208,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0
                                "remote_refresh_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "last_successful": 0,
                                    "moving_avg": 3201.3333333333335
                                "upload_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 109612.0
                                "remote_refresh_latency_in_millis": {
                                    "moving_avg": 25.333333333333332
                        "translog": {
                            "upload": {
                                "last_successful_upload_timestamp": 1694171633106,
                                "total_uploads": {
                                    "started": 7,
                                    "failed": 0,
                                    "succeeded": 7
                                "total_upload_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 2405,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 2405
                                "total_upload_time_in_millis": 27748,
                                "upload_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "moving_avg": 343.57142857142856
                                "upload_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 1445.857142857143
                                "upload_time_in_millis": {
                                    "moving_avg": 3964.0
                            "download": {}

Response fields

The response body of the Remote Store Stats API is split into three categories:

  • routing : Contains information related to the shard’s routing
  • segment : Contains statistics related to segment transfers from remote-backed storage
  • translog : Contains statistics related to translog transfers from remote-backed storage


The routing object contains the following fields.

Field Description
primary Denotes whether the shard copy is a primary shard.
node The name of the node to which the shard is assigned.


The segment.upload object contains the following fields.

Field Description
local_refresh_timestamp_in_millis The last successful local refresh timestamp, in milliseconds.
remote_refresh_timestamp_in_millis The last successful remote refresh timestamp, in milliseconds.
refresh_time_lag_in_millis The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the remote refresh is behind the local refresh.
refresh_lag The number of refreshes by which the remote store is lagging behind the local store.
bytes_lag The lag, in bytes, between the remote and local stores.
backpressure_rejection_count The total number of write rejections issued due to backpressure in the remote store.
consecutive_failure_count The number of consecutive remote refresh failures since the last successful refresh.
total_remote_refresh The total number of remote refreshes.
total_uploads_in_bytes The total number of bytes in all uploads to the remote store.
remote_refresh_size_in_bytes.last_successful The size of the data uploaded during the last successful refresh.
remote_refresh_size_in_bytes.moving_avg The average size of the data, in bytes, uploaded in the last N refreshes. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting. For more information, see Remote segment backpressure.
upload_latency_in_bytes_per_sec.moving_avg The average speed of remote segment uploads, in bytes per second, for the last N uploads. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting. For more information, see Remote segment backpressure.
remote_refresh_latency_in_millis.moving_avg The average amount of time, in milliseconds, taken by a single remote refresh during the last N remote refreshes. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting. For more information, see Remote segment backpressure.

The object contains the following fields.

Field Description
last_sync_timestamp The timestamp, in milliseconds, since the last successful segment file download from remote-backed storage.
total_download_size.started_bytes The total number of bytes of segment files actively being downloaded from remote-backed storage.
total_download_size.succeeded_bytes The total number of bytes of segment files successfully downloaded from remote-backed storage.
total_download_size.failed_bytes The total number of bytes of segment files that failed to download from remote-back storage.
download_size_in_bytes.last_successful The size, in bytes, of the last segment file successfully downloaded from remote-backed storage.
download_size_in_bytes.moving_avg The average size of segment data, in bytes, downloaded in the last 20 downloads.
download_speed_in_bytes_per_sec.moving_avg The average download speed, in bytes per second, of the last 20 downloads.


The translog.upload object contains the following fields.

Field Description
last_successful_upload_timestamp The timestamp, in milliseconds, since the last translog file successfully uploaded to remote-backed storage.
total_uploads.started The total number of attempted translog upload syncs to remote-backed storage.
total_uploads.failed The total number of failed translog upload syncs to remote-backed storage.
total_uploads.succeeded The total number of successful translog upload syncs to remote-backed storage.
total_upload_size.started_bytes The total number of bytes of translog files actively being downloaded from remote-backed storage.
total_upload_size.succeeded_bytes The total number of bytes of translog files successfully uploaded to remote-backed storage.
total_upload_size.failed_bytes The total number of bytes of translog files that failed to upload to remote-backed storage.
total_upload_time_in_millis The total amount of time spent, in milliseconds, uploading translog files to remote-backed storage.
upload_size_in_bytes.moving_avg The average size of translog data, in bytes, uploaded in the last N downloads. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting.
upload_speed_in_bytes_per_sec.moving_avg The average speed of translog uploads, in bytes per second, for the last N uploads. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting.
upload_time_in_millis.moving_avg The average amount of time taken by a single translog upload, in milliseconds, since the last N uploads. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting.

The object contains the following fields.

Field Description
last_successful_download_timestamp The timestamp, in milliseconds, since the last translog file successfully uploaded to remote-backed storage.
total_downloads.succeeded The total number of successful translog download syncs from remote-backed storage.
total_download_size.succeeded_bytes The total number of bytes of translog files successfully uploaded from remote-backed storage.
total_download_time_in_millis The total amount of time spent, in milliseconds, downloading translog files from remote-backed storage.
download_size_in_bytes.moving_avg The average size of translog data, in bytes, downloaded in the last N downloads. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting.
download_speed_in_bytes_per_sec.moving_avg The average speed of translog downloads, in bytes per second, for the last N uploads. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting.
download_time_in_millis.moving_avg The average amount of time taken by a single translog download, in milliseconds, since the last N uploads. N is defined in the remote_store.moving_average_window_size setting.

Remote store stats for a single shard

Use the following API to get remote store statistics for a single shard.

Example request

GET _remotestore/stats/<index_name>/<shard_id>

Example response

    "_shards": {
        "total": 2,
        "successful": 2,
        "failed": 0
    "indices": {
        "remote-index": {
            "shards": {
                "0": [
                        "routing": {
                            "state": "STARTED",
                            "primary": true,
                            "node": "q1VxWZnCTICrfRc2bRW3nw"
                        "segment": {
                            "download": {},
                            "upload": {
                                "local_refresh_timestamp_in_millis": 1694171634102,
                                "remote_refresh_timestamp_in_millis": 1694171634102,
                                "refresh_time_lag_in_millis": 0,
                                "refresh_lag": 0,
                                "bytes_lag": 0,
                                "backpressure_rejection_count": 0,
                                "consecutive_failure_count": 0,
                                "total_uploads": {
                                    "started": 5,
                                    "succeeded": 5,
                                    "failed": 0
                                "total_upload_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 15342,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 15342,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0
                                "remote_refresh_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "last_successful": 0,
                                    "moving_avg": 3068.4
                                "upload_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 99988.2
                                "remote_refresh_latency_in_millis": {
                                    "moving_avg": 44.0
                        "translog": {
                            "upload": {
                                "last_successful_upload_timestamp": 1694171633644,
                                "total_uploads": {
                                    "started": 6,
                                    "failed": 0,
                                    "succeeded": 6
                                "total_upload_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 1932,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 1932
                                "total_upload_time_in_millis": 21478,
                                "upload_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "moving_avg": 322.0
                                "upload_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 2073.8333333333335
                                "upload_time_in_millis": {
                                    "moving_avg": 3579.6666666666665
                            "download": {}
                        "routing": {
                            "state": "STARTED",
                            "primary": false,
                            "node": "EZuen5Y5Sv-eDCLwh9gv-Q"
                        "segment": {
                            "download": {
                                "last_sync_timestamp": 1694171634148,
                                "total_download_size": {
                                    "started_bytes": 15112,
                                    "succeeded_bytes": 15112,
                                    "failed_bytes": 0
                                "download_size_in_bytes": {
                                    "last_successful": 2910,
                                    "moving_avg": 1259.3333333333333
                                "download_speed_in_bytes_per_sec": {
                                    "moving_avg": 382387.3333333333
                            "upload": {}
                        "translog": {
                            "upload": {},
                            "download": {}

Remote store stats for a local shard

If you want to fetch only shards present on the node serving a Remote Store Stats API request, set the local query parameter to true, as shown in the following example request:

GET _remotestore/stats/<index_name>?local=true

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