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Security configuration

The plugin includes demo certificates so that you can get up and running quickly. To use Lucenia in a production environment, you must configure it manually:

  1. Replace the demo certificates.
  2. Reconfigure lucenia.yml to use your certificates.
  3. Reconfigure config.yml to use your authentication backend (if you don’t plan to use the internal user database).
  4. Modify the configuration YAML files.
  5. If you plan to use the internal user database, set a password policy in lucenia.yml.
  6. Apply changes using the securityadmin script.
  7. Start Lucenia.
  8. Add users, roles, role mappings, and tenants.

The Security plugin has several default users, roles, action groups, permissions, and settings for OpenSearch Dashboards that use kibana in their names. We will change these names in a future release.

For a full list of lucenia.yml Security plugin settings, Security plugin settings, see Security settings.

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