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The k-NN plugin adds several APIs for managing, monitoring, and optimizing your k-NN workload.


The k-NN stats API provides information about the current status of the k-NN plugin. The plugin keeps track of both cluster-level and node-level statistics. Cluster-level statistics have a single value for the entire cluster. Node-level statistics have a single value for each node in the cluster. You can filter the query by nodeId and statName, as shown in the following example:

GET /_plugins/_knn/nodeId1,nodeId2/stats/statName1,statName2
Statistic Description
circuit_breaker_triggered Indicates whether the circuit breaker is triggered. This statistic is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
total_load_time The time in nanoseconds that k-NN has taken to load native library indexes into the cache. This statistic is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
eviction_count The number of native library indexes that have been evicted from the cache due to memory constraints or idle time. This statistic is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
Note: Explicit evictions that occur because of index deletion aren’t counted.
hit_count The number of cache hits. A cache hit occurs when a user queries a native library index that’s already loaded into memory. This statistic is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
miss_count The number of cache misses. A cache miss occurs when a user queries a native library index that isn’t loaded into memory yet. This statistic is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
graph_memory_usage The amount of native memory native library indexes are using on the node in kilobytes.
graph_memory_usage_percentage The amount of native memory native library indexes are using on the node as a percentage of the maximum cache capacity.
graph_index_requests The number of requests to add the knn_vector field of a document into a native library index.
graph_index_errors The number of requests to add the knn_vector field of a document into a native library index that have produced an error.
graph_query_requests The number of native library index queries that have been made.
graph_query_errors The number of native library index queries that have produced an error.
knn_query_requests The number of k-NN query requests received.
cache_capacity_reached Whether knn.memory.circuit_breaker.limit has been reached. This statistic is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
load_success_count The number of times k-NN successfully loaded a native library index into the cache. This statistic is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
load_exception_count The number of times an exception occurred when trying to load a native library index into the cache. This statistic is only relevant to approximate k-NN search.
indices_in_cache For each Lucenia index with a knn_vector field and approximate k-NN turned on, this statistic provides the number of native library indexes that Lucenia index has and the total graph_memory_usage that the lucenia index is using, in kilobytes.
script_compilations The number of times the k-NN script has been compiled. This value should usually be 1 or 0, but if the cache containing the compiled scripts is filled, the k-NN script might be recompiled. This statistic is only relevant to k-NN score script search.
script_compilation_errors The number of errors during script compilation. This statistic is only relevant to k-NN score script search.
script_query_requests The total number of script queries. This statistic is only relevant to k-NN score script search.
script_query_errors The number of errors during script queries. This statistic is only relevant to k-NN score script search.
nmslib_initialized Boolean value indicating whether the nmslib JNI library has been loaded and initialized on the node.
faiss_initialized Boolean value indicating whether the faiss JNI library has been loaded and initialized on the node.
model_index_status Status of model system index. Valid values are “red”, “yellow”, “green”. If the index does not exist, this will be null.
indexing_from_model_degraded Boolean value indicating if indexing from a model is degraded. This happens if there is not enough JVM memory to cache the models.
ing_requests The number of training requests made to the node.
training_errors The number of training errors that have occurred on the node.
training_memory_usage The amount of native memory training is using on the node in kilobytes.
training_memory_usage_percentage The amount of native memory training is using on the node as a percentage of the maximum cache capacity.

Some statistics contain graph in the name. In these cases, graph is synonymous with native library index. The term graph is reflective of when the plugin only supported the HNSW algorithm, which consists of hierarchical graphs.


The following code examples show how to retrieve statistics related to the k-NN plugin. The first example fetches comprehensive statistics for the k-NN plugin across all nodes in the cluster, while the second example retrieves specific metrics (circuit breaker status and graph memory usage) for a single node.

GET /_plugins/_knn/stats?pretty
    "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
    "cluster_name" : "my-cluster",
    "circuit_breaker_triggered" : false,
    "model_index_status" : "YELLOW",
    "nodes" : {
      "JdfxIkOS1-43UxqNz98nw" : {
        "graph_memory_usage_percentage" : 3.68,
        "graph_query_requests" : 1420920,
        "graph_memory_usage" : 2,
        "cache_capacity_reached" : false,
        "load_success_count" : 179,
        "training_memory_usage" : 0,
        "indices_in_cache" : {
            "myindex" : {
                "graph_memory_usage" : 2,
                "graph_memory_usage_percentage" : 3.68,
                "graph_count" : 2
        "script_query_errors" : 0,
        "hit_count" : 1420775,
        "knn_query_requests" : 147092,
        "total_load_time" : 2436679306,
        "miss_count" : 179,
        "training_memory_usage_percentage" : 0.0,
        "graph_index_requests" : 656,
        "faiss_initialized" : true,
        "load_exception_count" : 0,
        "training_errors" : 0,
        "eviction_count" : 0,
        "nmslib_initialized" : false,
        "script_compilations" : 0,
        "script_query_requests" : 0,
        "graph_query_errors" : 0,
        "indexing_from_model_degraded" : false,
        "graph_index_errors" : 0,
        "training_requests" : 17,
        "script_compilation_errors" : 0
GET /_plugins/_knn/HYMrXXsBSamUkcAjhjeN0w/stats/circuit_breaker_triggered,graph_memory_usage?pretty
    "_nodes" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "failed" : 0
    "cluster_name" : "my-cluster",
    "circuit_breaker_triggered" : false,
    "nodes" : {
        "HYMrXXsBSamUkcAjhjeN0w" : {
            "graph_memory_usage" : 1

Warmup operation

The native library indexes used to perform approximate k-NN search are stored as special files with other Apache Lucene segment files. To perform a search on these indexes using the k-NN plugin, the plugin needs to load these files into native memory.

If the plugin has not loaded the files into native memory, then it loads them when it receives a search request. The loading time can cause high latency during initial queries. To avoid this, users often run random queries during a warmup period. After this warmup period, the files are loaded into native memory, and their production workloads can launch. This loading process is indirect and requires extra effort.

As an alternative, you can avoid this latency issue by running the k-NN plugin warmup API operation on the indexes you want to search. This operation loads all the native library files for all the shards (primaries and replicas) of all the indexes specified in the request into native memory.

After the process is finished, you can search against the indexes without initial latency penalties. The warmup API operation is idempotent, so if a segment’s native library files are already loaded into memory, this operation has no effect. It only loads files not currently stored in memory.


This request performs a warmup on three indexes:

GET /_plugins/_knn/warmup/index1,index2,index3?pretty
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 6,
    "successful" : 6,
    "failed" : 0

total indicates how many shards the k-NN plugin attempted to warm up. The response also includes the number of shards the plugin succeeded and failed to warm up.

The call does not return results until the warmup operation finishes or the request times out. If the request times out, then the operation continues on the cluster. To monitor the warmup operation, use the Lucenia _tasks API:

GET /_tasks

After the operation has finished, use the k-NN _stats API operation to see what the k-NN plugin loaded into the graph.

Best practices

For the warmup operation to function properly, follow these best practices:

  • Do not run merge operations on indexes that you want to warm up. During a merge operation, the k-NN plugin creates new segments, and old segments are sometimes deleted. For example, you could encounter a situation in which the warmup API operation loads native library indexes A and B into native memory but segment C is created from segments A and B being merged. Native library indexes A and B would no longer be in memory, and native library index C would also not be in memory. In this case, the initial penalty for loading native library index C still exists.

  • Confirm that all native library indexes you want to warm up can fit into native memory. For more information about the native memory limit, see the knn.memory.circuit_breaker.limit statistic. High graph memory usage causes cache thrashing, which can lead to operations constantly failing and attempting to run again.

  • Do not index any documents that you want to load into the cache. Writing new information to segments prevents the warmup API operation from loading the native library indexes until they are searchable. This means that you would have to run the warmup operation again after indexing.

k-NN clear cache

Introduced 0.1.0

During approximate k-NN search or warmup operations, the native library indexes (nmslib and faiss engines) are loaded into native memory. Currently, you can evict an index from cache or native memory by either deleting the index or setting the k-NN cluster settings knn.cache.item.expiry.enabled and knn.cache.item.expiry.minutes, which removes the index from the cache if it is idle for a given period of time. However, you cannot evict an index from the cache without deleting the index. To solve this problem, you can use the k-NN clear cache API operation, which clears a given set of indexes from the cache.

The k-NN clear cache API evicts all native library files for all shards (primaries and replicas) of all indexes specified in the request. Similarly to how the warmup operation behaves, the k-NN clear cache API is idempotent, meaning that if you try to clear the cache for an index that has already been evicted from the cache, it does not have any additional effect.

This API operation only works with indexes created using the nmslib and faiss engines. It has no effect on indexes created using the lucene engine.


The following request evicts the native library indexes of three indexes from the cache:

GET /_plugins/_knn/clear_cache/index1,index2,index3?pretty
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 6,
    "successful" : 6,
    "failed" : 0

The total parameter indicates the number of shards that the API attempted to clear from the cache. The response includes both the number of cleared shards and the number of shards that the plugin failed to clear.

The k-NN clear cache API can be used with index patterns to clear one or more indexes that match the given pattern from the cache, as shown in the following example:

GET /_plugins/_knn/clear_cache/index*?pretty
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 6,
    "successful" : 6,
    "failed" : 0

The API call does not return results until the operation finishes or the request times out. If the request times out, then the operation continues on the cluster. To monitor the request, use the _tasks API, as shown in the following example:

GET /_tasks

When the operation finishes, use the k-NN _stats API operation to see which indexes have been evicted from the cache.

Get a model

The GET model operation retrieves information about models present in the cluster. Some native library index configurations require a training step before indexing and querying can begin. The output of training is a model that can be used to initialize native library index files during indexing. The model is serialized in the k-NN model system index. See the following GET example:

GET /_plugins/_knn/models/{model_id}
Response field Description
model_id The unique identifier of the fetched model.
model_blob The base64 encoded string of the serialized model.
state The model’s current state, which can be created, failed, or training.
timestamp The date and time when the model was created.
description A user-provided description of the model.
error An error message explaining why the model is in a failed state.
space_type The space type for which this model is trained, for example, Euclidean or cosine.
dimension The dimensionality of the vector space for which this model is designed.
engine The native library used to create the model, either faiss or nmslib.


The following examples show how to retrieve information about a specific model using the k-NN plugin API. The first example returns all the available information about the model, while the second example shows how to selectively retrieve fields.

GET /_plugins/_knn/models/test-model?pretty
  "model_id" : "test-model",
  "model_blob" : "SXdGbIAAAAAAAAAAAA...",
  "state" : "created",
  "timestamp" : "2021-11-15T18:45:07.505369036Z",
  "description" : "Default",
  "error" : "",
  "space_type" : "l2",
  "dimension" : 128,
  "engine" : "faiss" 
GET /_plugins/_knn/models/test-model?pretty&filter_path=model_id,state
  "model_id" : "test-model",
  "state" : "created"

Search for a model

You can use an Lucenia query to search for a model in the index. See the following usage example.


The following example shows how to search for k-NN models in an Lucenia cluster and how to retrieve the metadata for those models, excluding the potentially large model_blob field:

GET/POST /_plugins/_knn/models/_search?pretty&_source_excludes=model_blob
    "query": {

    "took" : 0,
    "timed_out" : false,
    "_shards" : {
        "total" : 1,
        "successful" : 1,
        "skipped" : 0,
        "failed" : 0
    "hits" : {
      "total" : {
          "value" : 1,
          "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : ".lucenia-knn-models",
        "_id" : "test-model",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "engine" : "faiss",
          "space_type" : "l2",
          "description" : "Default",
          "model_id" : "test-model",
          "state" : "created",
          "error" : "",
          "dimension" : 128,
          "timestamp" : "2021-11-15T18:45:07.505369036Z"

Delete a model

You can delete a model in the cluster by using the DELETE operation. See the following usage example.


The following example shows how to delete a k-NN model:

DELETE /_plugins/_knn/models/{model_id}
  "model_id": {model_id},
  "acknowledged": true

Train a model

You can create and train a model that can be used for initializing k-NN native library indexes during indexing. This API pulls training data from a knn_vector field in a training index, creates and trains a model, and then serializes it to the model system index. Training data must match the dimension passed in the request body. This request is returned when training begins. To monitor the model’s state, use the Get model API.

Query parameter Description
model_id The unique identifier of the fetched model. If not specified, then a random ID is generated. Optional.
node_id Specifies the preferred node on which to execute the training process. If provided, the specified node is used for training if it has the necessary capabilities and resources available. Optional.
Request parameter Description
training_index The index from which the training data is retrieved.
training_field The knn_vector field in the training_index from which the training data is retrieved. The dimension of this field must match the dimension passed in this request.
dimension The dimension of the model being trained.
max_training_vector_count The maximum number of vectors from the training index to be used for training. Defaults to all the vectors in the index. Optional.
search_size The training data is pulled from the training index using scroll queries. This parameter defines the number of results to return per scroll query. Default is 10000. Optional.
description A user-provided description of the model. Optional.
method The configuration of the approximate k-NN method used for search operations. For more information about the available methods, see k-NN index method definitions. The method requires training to be valid.


The following examples show how to initiate the training process for a k-NN model:

POST /_plugins/_knn/models/{model_id}/_train?preference={node_id}
    "training_index": "train-index-name",
    "training_field": "train-field-name",
    "dimension": 16,
    "max_training_vector_count": 1200,
    "search_size": 100,
    "description": "My model",
    "method": {
        "space_type": "l2",

    "model_id": "model_x"
POST /_plugins/_knn/models/_train?preference={node_id}
    "training_index": "train-index-name",
    "training_field": "train-field-name",
    "dimension": 16,
    "max_training_vector_count": 1200,
    "search_size": 100,
    "description": "My model",
    "method": {
        "space_type": "l2",

    "model_id": "dcdwscddscsad"
350 characters left

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