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Index rollup settings


We don’t recommend changing these settings; the defaults should work well for most use cases.

All settings are available using the Lucenia _cluster/settings operation. None require a restart, and all can be marked persistent or transient. To learn more about static and dynamic settings, see Configuring Lucenia.

Setting Default Description 1000 milliseconds The backoff time between retries for failed rollup jobs. 5 How many retries the plugin should attempt for failed rollup jobs. false Whether Lucenia should return all jobs that match all specified search terms. If disabled, Lucenia returns just one, as opposed to all, of the jobs that matches the search terms.
plugins.rollup.dashboards.enabled true Whether rollups are enabled in OpenSearch Dashboards.
plugins.rollup.enabled true Whether the rollup plugin is enabled.
plugins.ingest.backoff_millis 1000 milliseconds The backoff time between data ingestions for rollup jobs.
plugins.ingest.backoff_count 5 How many retries the plugin should attempt for failed ingestions.
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