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Using Vega

Vega and Vega-Lite are open-source, declarative language visualization tools that you can use to create custom data visualizations with your OpenSearch data and Vega Data. These tools are ideal for advanced users comfortable with writing OpenSearch queries directly. Enable the vis_type_vega plugin in your opensearch_dashboards.yml file to write your Vega specifications in either JSON or HJSON format or to specify one or more OpenSearch queries within your Vega specification. By default, the plugin is set to true. The configuration is shown in the following example. For configuration details, refer to the vis_type_vega README.

vis_type_vega.enabled: true

The following image shows a custom Vega map created in OpenSearch.

Map created using Vega visualization in OpenSearch Dashboards

Querying from multiple data sources

If you have configured multiple data sources in OpenSearch Dashboards, you can use Vega to query those data sources. Within your Vega specification, add the data_source_name field under the url property to target a specific data source by name. By default, queries use data from the local cluster. You can assign individual data_source_name values to each OpenSearch query within your Vega specification. This allows you to query multiple indexes across different data sources in a single visualization.

The following is an example Vega specification with Demo US Cluster as the specified data_source_name:

  config: {
    kibana: {type: "map", latitude: 25, longitude: -70, zoom: 3}
  data: [
      name: table
      url: {
        index: opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_flights
        // This OpenSearchQuery will query from the Demo US Cluster datasource
        data_source_name: Demo US Cluster
        %context%: true
        // Uncomment to enable time filtering
        // %timefield%: timestamp
        body: {
          size: 0
          aggs: {
            origins: {
              terms: {field: "OriginAirportID", size: 10000}
              aggs: {
                originLocation: {
                  top_hits: {
                    size: 1
                    _source: {
                      includes: ["OriginLocation", "Origin"]
                distinations: {
                  terms: {field: "DestAirportID", size: 10000}
                  aggs: {
                    destLocation: {
                      top_hits: {
                        size: 1
                        _source: {
                          includes: ["DestLocation"]
      format: {property: ""}
      transform: [
          type: geopoint
          projection: projection
          fields: [
      name: selectedDatum
      on: [
        {trigger: "!selected", remove: true}
        {trigger: "selected", insert: "selected"}
  signals: [
      name: selected
      value: null
      on: [
        {events: "@airport:mouseover", update: "datum"}
        {events: "@airport:mouseout", update: "null"}
  scales: [
      name: airportSize
      type: linear
      domain: {data: "table", field: "doc_count"}
      range: [
        {signal: "zoom*zoom*0.2+1"}
        {signal: "zoom*zoom*10+1"}
  marks: [
      type: group
      from: {
        facet: {
          name: facetedDatum
          data: selectedDatum
          field: distinations.buckets
      data: [
          name: facetDatumElems
          source: facetedDatum
          transform: [
              type: geopoint
              projection: projection
              fields: [
            {type: "formula", expr: "{x:parent.x, y:parent.y}", as: "source"}
            {type: "formula", expr: "{x:datum.x, y:datum.y}", as: "target"}
            {type: "linkpath", shape: "diagonal"}
      scales: [
          name: lineThickness
          type: log
          clamp: true
          range: [1, 8]
          name: lineOpacity
          type: log
          clamp: true
          range: [0.2, 0.8]
      marks: [
          from: {data: "facetDatumElems"}
          type: path
          interactive: false
          encode: {
            update: {
              path: {field: "path"}
              stroke: {value: "black"}
              strokeWidth: {scale: "lineThickness", field: "doc_count"}
              strokeOpacity: {scale: "lineOpacity", field: "doc_count"}
      name: airport
      type: symbol
      from: {data: "table"}
      encode: {
        update: {
          size: {scale: "airportSize", field: "doc_count"}
          xc: {signal: "datum.x"}
          yc: {signal: "datum.y"}
          tooltip: {
            signal: "{title: datum.originLocation.hits.hits[0]._source.Origin + ' (' + datum.key + ')', connnections: length(datum.distinations.buckets), flights: datum.doc_count}"

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