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Cluster settings

Introduced 0.1.0

The cluster settings operation lets you check the current settings for your cluster, review default settings, and change settings. When you update a setting using the API, Lucenia applies it to all nodes in the cluster.

Path and HTTP methods

GET _cluster/settings
PUT _cluster/settings

Path parameters

All cluster setting parameters are optional.

Parameter Data type Description
flat_settings Boolean Whether to return settings in the flat form, which can improve readability, especially for heavily nested settings. For example, the flat form of "cluster": { "max_shards_per_node": 500 } is "cluster.max_shards_per_node": "500".
include_defaults (GET only) Boolean Whether to include default settings as part of the response. This parameter is useful for identifying the names and current values of settings you want to update.
cluster_manager_timeout Time unit The amount of time to wait for a response from the cluster manager node. Default is 30 seconds.
timeout (PUT only) Time unit The amount of time to wait for a response from the cluster. Default is 30 seconds.

Example request

GET _cluster/settings?include_defaults=true

Example response

PUT _cluster/settings
      "action.auto_create_index": false

Request fields

The GET operation has no request body options. All cluster setting field parameters are optional.

Not all cluster settings can be updated using the cluster settings API. You will receive the error message "setting [cluster.some.setting], not dynamically updateable" when trying to configure these settings through the API.

For a listing of all cluster settings, see Configuring Lucenia.

Example request

For a PUT operation, the request body must contain transient or persistent, along with the setting you want to update:

PUT _cluster/settings
      "cluster.max_shards_per_node": 500

For more information about transient settings, persistent settings, and precedence, see Lucenia configuration.

Example response

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