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CAT tasks

Introduced 0.1.0

The CAT tasks operation lists the progress of all tasks currently running on your cluster.


GET _cat/tasks?v

Path and HTTP methods

GET _cat/tasks

URL parameters

All CAT tasks URL parameters are optional.

In addition to the common URL parameters, you can specify the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
nodes List A comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information. Use _local to return information from the node you’re connecting to, specify the node name to get information from specific nodes, or keep the parameter empty to get information from all nodes.
detailed Boolean Returns detailed task information. (Default: false)
parent_task_id String Returns tasks with a specified parent task ID (node_id:task_number). Keep empty or set to -1 to return all.
time Time Specify the units for time. For example, 5d or 7h. For more information, see Supported units.


action | task_id | parent_task_id | type | start_time | timestamp | running_time | ip | node
cluster:monitor/tasks/lists | 1vo54NuxSxOrbPEYdkSF0w:168062 | - | transport | 1624337809471 | 04:56:49 | 489.5ms | | odfe-node1     
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